Changes to the CPCU 520 online course material

Changes to the CPCU 520 online course material


The Institutes has updated their course materials for their CPCU courses to a new “online” version. New exams for CPCU 500, 520, 530, and 540 started on October 15, 2020.

While there were major changes to CPCU 500 & 540, CPCU 520 only received some minor revisions. The differences between the old 3rd edition CPCU 520 textbook and the new 1st edition CPCU 520 online course are outlined below:

  • Module 1 is unchanged
  • Module 2 is unchanged
    • **We failed to remove the old Learning Objective 8 from our study materials when we updated them from the 2nd to 3rd edition in 2019. If you are using our study guide revised in June 2019 (as printed on the first page inside the front cover), you can skip Module 2 – LO 8.**
  • Module 3
    • The section titled “Omnichannel Marketing System” (Slide 43 in our 2019 study guide) was removed.
  • Module 4
    • The section titled “Distortions Created by Underwriting Cycle” (last bullet on Slide 47 in our 2019 study guide) was removed.
  • Module 5 is unchanged
  • Module 6
    • “Producers” was added to the list of “External Claims Contacts” (Slide 8 in our 2019 study guide).
  • Chapter 7 is unchanged
  • Chapter 8 is unchanged
  • Chapter 9
    • All of Learning Objective 3 – Business Information Systems was removed.
  • Chapter 10 is unchanged


Since very little was added to the new course materials and only a few sections were removed, we are confident that our existing study materials, last updated in June 2019, will still prepare you well for the new exams. If you have any questions or need any further guidance, please email

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