SIE Module 2 Test Bank


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1. Which of the following statements is correct regarding macroeconomic analysis?

2. Which one of the following phases of the business cycle typically reflects the highest level of unemployment and possibly economic stimulus by the Federal Reserve to spur the economy?

3. If gross domestic product is decreasing, this indicates the economy is currently in the economic phase of:

4. Congress can use which of the following tools as part of its fiscal policy to stimulate the economy?

5. Each of the following represents monetary policy EXCEPT:

6. Which of the following actions would indicate a restrictive monetary policy?

7. Which of the following statements is correct regarding monetary policy?

8. Which of the following statements is correct regarding monetary policy?

9. Which of the following factors would generally result in a shift toward greater restrictiveness in monetary and fiscal policy?

10. All of the following statements are correct regarding monetary and fiscal policy EXCEPT: