Changes to the CPCU 500, 520, 530, and 540 online courses.

Changes to the CPCU 500, 520, 530, and 540 online courses.

The Institutes has released new course materials for exams starting in the October – December 2020 testing window. A summary of those changes and how they affect the existing BigDaddy U study materials is listed below.

  • CPCU 500 has been completely changed. The existing BDU study materials that were last updated in 2018 for the 3rd edition textbook cannot be used to prepare for exams taken after September 15, 2020. We plan on releasing updated CPCU 500 study materials in October.


  • CPCU 520 has changed very little from the material covered in the 3rd edition textbook. Our existing BDU study materials should prepare you well for the new 520 exam. We will be updating our study materials to reflect the minor changes, but until then you can ignore Module 2 – Learning Objective 8 and Module 9 – Learning Objective 3, which have been removed from the new course material.


  • CPCU 530 is almost identical to the 2nd edition textbook that was released in 2019. Our existing BDU study materials should prepare you well for the new 530 exam.


  • CPCU 540 has changed quite a bit, but the changes are almost exclusively removal of old material. Our existing BDU study materials should prepare you well for the new 540 exam, but please make note of the following sections which have been removed:
    • Module 1 – Learning Objective 1
    • Module 2 – Learning Objective 1
    • Module 3 – Learning Objective 1
    • Module 5 – Learning Objective 1
    • Module 6 – Learning Objectives 5, 6, 7, & 8
    • Module 8 – Learning Objectives 3, 7, 8, & 9
    • Module 10 – Learning Objective 1
    • Module 11 – Learning Objective 1, 3, & 4
    • Module 12 (removed completely)


**Edit November 5, 2020: Our CPCU 540 study materials are completely updated. Our CPCU 500 study guide has been updated, and we are working on recording, editing, and uploading the videos.


If you have any questions or need any assistance, please email

  • Christopher Mohr
    Posted at 15:32h, 07 August

    Should we omit the entirety of Module 12?

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 08:05h, 08 August

      It depends on when your exam is, as The Institutes has changed their course materials for exams starting in October.

      If you’ll be taking your exam before September 15, 2020, you’ll need to go through our study materials in their entirety. If you’ll be taking your exam after October 15, 2020, you’ll want to omit Module 12 and all the other individual Learning Objectives listed.

  • Stephanie Anderson
    Posted at 14:08h, 11 August

    Is the new CPCU 540 available yet?

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 11:13h, 12 August

      We have not yet updated our CPCU 540 study materials; however, you can use our existing study materials and omit the sections listed above. We will likely have the updated 540 materials ready in October or November.

  • Jasmine Brascom
    Jasmine Brascom
    Posted at 08:41h, 20 August

    My 530 material has two squares around the last two courses. what does this mean?

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 12:37h, 20 August

      That was an artifact on the video thumbnail from when we imported the videos into the website. It does not indicate that anything is wrong. We’ll see if we can fix it.

  • Holly Clark
    Holly Clark
    Posted at 15:37h, 20 August

    Why was I just sold CPCU 500 materials if they aren’t any good ?

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 09:37h, 21 August

      Some people are still preparing for exams using the 3rd edition textbook, and our existing CPCU 500 study materials are still good for those exams. We have tried to make it very clear on our CPCU 500 product page that the existing material should not be purchased for exams taken after September 15, 2020. We will be happy to either provide you with the updated CPCU 500 material at no additional charge when they are ready or refund your purchase.

  • Apoorva Jumde
    Posted at 09:50h, 01 September

    When can we purchase the latest edition of CPCU 500?

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 10:25h, 02 September

      We’re working on updating the CPCU 500 study materials now, and we expect they will be available to order in either late September or early October.

  • Nik
    Posted at 11:55h, 05 September

    Has the 520 course been updated and can it be purchased now to give the exam in October?

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 09:20h, 08 September

      We have not yet updated our CPCU 520 study materials. However, the new online CPCU 520 course material is very similar to the previously used 3rd edition textbook, so our existing study materials will still prepare you well for exams in October. If you do purchase the existing 520 study materials and we complete the update while you’re still preparing for your exam, we’ll be happy to provide you with the updated material at no additional cost.

  • Jack Jannuzzo
    Jack Jannuzzo
    Posted at 14:46h, 14 September

    Is the CPCU 540 update going to be released soon?

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 09:43h, 15 September

      We don’t have an estimated release date for the updated CPCU 540 study materials at this time, but it will likely be within the next couple months. We will work on the CPCU 540 update after the CPCU 500 update is complete. Until then, the existing CPCU 540 study materials can be used, omitting the sections listed above.

  • Frances Mura
    Posted at 17:38h, 14 September

    How about changes to CPCU 555,556,and 557 after December 2020?

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 12:32h, 18 September

      We haven’t yet had a chance to review the changes to the CPCU 555, 556, and 557 courses. We’ll create a separate blog post outlining those changes as soon as we do.

  • Ruth Phillips
    Posted at 08:03h, 15 September

    In CPCU 540 are there no changes to module 12 or is the whole module 12 removed? I am confused by your list. Thank you!

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 09:40h, 15 September

      The old Module 12 has been completely removed. The post has been edited to clarify that. Sorry for the confusion!

  • Dawnn Tackett
    Posted at 10:47h, 15 September

    When will the 540 be updated? I have an exam on OCT 15 and don’t want to waste the money if so much material is missing

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 11:07h, 15 September

      The new 540 course is essentially an abridged version of the previous course. There was no new information added to the course – the sections listed above were in the 3rd edition textbook and have been removed from the new online course. Our existing study materials have everything you need for the new exams. For this reason, we’re focusing on updating CPCU 500 first, as that course has changed completely. We expect to have the CPCU 540 study guide and videos updated within the next couple of months. Until we can edit our CPCU 540 study guide and videos to remove the sections that are no longer relevant, you can use the existing materials and simply skip the sections outlined above.

  • Apoorva Jumde
    Posted at 11:26h, 22 September

    How or where we will be notified that the new edition of CPCU 500 is available to purchase?

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 08:55h, 23 September

      We will make a note of it here and on the CPCU 500 product page. Also, you can reach out to asking to be notified when the new study materials are ready, and we’ll be happy to send you an email.

  • Thang Bui
    Thang Bui
    Posted at 21:07h, 22 September

    I am currently studying for CPCU 540 using the current BDU material. I skip over chapters that have been removed in the new version but what can I possibly do with the practice questions? Will there be an updated list of questions we need to avoid ???

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 09:01h, 23 September

      We will come up with a list of questions to be skipped in the existing Test Bank and Practice Exam. Until it’s ready, you can check which Learning Objective each question comes from in the Solutions. The Learning Objective is listed in bold directly after the correct answer.

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 14:28h, 28 September

      We have deleted from the online Test Bank and Practice Exam the questions from the learning objectives that were removed from the textbook. We also now have a list in pdf format of the questions to skip in the Test Bank and Practice Exam printed in the study guide. If you would like that list, please email

  • Hannah Rea
    Hannah Rea
    Posted at 16:09h, 04 October

    I purchased the CPCU 500 study guide in late September & they were just delivered last week. Are these materials out of date? When will the online modules be released? I am signed up to take the exam in the 4th quarter

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 07:47h, 05 October

      Yes, the study guide you have is out of date, and we will be happy to send you an updated one as soon as they’re available, hopefully within the next few weeks. Please send an email to with the address to which you would like the updated study guide shipped. I’m concerned that you were able to order our CPCU 500 study materials in late Septemeber, as we had asked the State Farm distributor to suspend those orders until the new book is done. We’ll reach out to them and see what’s going on.

      • Hannah Rea
        Hannah Rea
        Posted at 16:20h, 05 October

        Thank you for your response Elizabeth. I have notified my manager within State Farm as well so that he can notify the appropriate departments as well. I’m not sure you’ll have the answer to this question, but since State Farm paid for the outdated materials will they be able to be reimbursed? They typically pay for one additional study aide so I was hoping they would be able to still fund the updated study materials too.

        • Elizabeth White
          Elizabeth White
          Posted at 09:48h, 06 October

          As long as you want to use the study materials, there will be no need for reimbursement. We’ll send you the updated study guide at no additional cost, and the videos and other digital content will be updated automatically online. If you would like to return the study materials and order something else, you’ll need to send an email to the State Farm distributor at I’m not sure how they handle returns and reimbursements.

          If you would like the updated study guide when it’s ready, make sure to email and let us know. We don’t get the original order information from the State Farm distributor, so we’ll need to know your shipping information.

  • Dawnn Tackett
    Posted at 20:39h, 07 October

    Thank you!

  • Caseta Paul
    Caseta Paul
    Posted at 20:28h, 21 October

    When will the new material be available for the CPCU 540?

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 12:41h, 22 October

      The new study guide is complete and has been sent to the printer. We hope to start shipping those books the last week of October. The new videos should be updated within the next few weeks.

  • Deenadayalu Selvan
    Deenadayalu Selvan
    Posted at 14:38h, 17 November

    I am planning to take CPCU 551 virtually, is the study and test material the same? is there any change in the test material I am not aware of? Please let me know as i am planning to take the test this week.

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 11:01h, 18 November

      The course material for CPCU 551 has not changed for exams taken before December 15, 2020. If you are taking your exam this week, then you are good to go with our existing 551 study materials. However, the virtual exams are slightly different from the in person exams as they consist of all Type B questions. Our Practice Exams are similar to the in person format with a mix of Type A and Type B questions.

  • Caseta Paul
    Caseta Paul
    Posted at 07:17h, 27 March

    As of to date, are the videos edited and updated for the 540 course?

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 14:09h, 29 March

      Yes, our CPCU 540 study materials, including the videos, are completely up to date for the 1st edition online course materials from The Institutes.

  • Glenn B
    Posted at 21:46h, 05 August

    Is the CPCU 500 course up to date for tests taken in the OCT-DEC 2021 window?

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 09:20h, 06 August

      Yes, our CPCU 500 study materials are up to date for the 1st edition online course from The Institutes, which is still the version for the Oct-Dec 2021 window.