Introducing CPCU 410 Study Materials for the ARM Path to CPCU program!

Introducing CPCU 410 Study Materials for the ARM Path to CPCU program!

The Institutes has introduced a new way to earn both the ARM and CPCU® designations. After completing the three ARM courses (ARM 400, ARM 401, and ARM 402), you can take CPCU 410 to complete the Core Courses needed for the CPCU® designation. With those four core courses done, pass the three Concentration Courses in your chosen specialty area, an elective course, and an ethics course, and you’ll earn both the ARM and CPCU® designations!

BigDaddy U now has study materials available to help you prepare for your CPCU 410 exam.

CPCU 410 is made up of sections from CPCU 520, 530, and 540. Topics in CPCU 410 include:

  • Understanding Insurer Operations (CPCU 520)
  • Examining Insurer Functions (CPCU 520)
  • Contract Law (CPCU 530)
  • Legal Implications of Ownership (CPCU 530)
  • Tort Law (CPCU 530)
  • Professional Arrangements (CPCU 530)
  • GAAP Financial Statements (CPCU 540)
  • Understanding Corporate Investment (CPCU 540)
  • Financial Markets (CPCU 540)
  • Stocks and Bonds (CPCU 540)


Below is a table comparing the different courses required for each designation.




Core Courses

ARM 400

ARM 401

ARM 402

ARM 400

ARM 401

ARM 402

CPCU 410

CPCU 500

CPCU 520

CPCU 530

CPCU 540

Concentration Courses


CPCU 551

CPCU 552

CPCU 553


CPCU 555

CPCU 556

CPCU 557

CPCU 551

CPCU 552

CPCU 553


CPCU 555

CPCU 556

CPCU 557



Choose 1 elective

Choose 1 elective


Ethics 311

Ethics 312

Ethics 312


You can purchase the BigDaddy U study materials for the CPCU 410 course here.


CPCU® and AICTM are trademarks of the American Institute For Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters, d/b/a The Institutes. BigDaddy U is not affiliated or associated with The Institutes in any way, and The Institutes do not endorse, approve, support, or otherwise recognize BigDaddy U or its products or services.

  • Sharon Hall
    Posted at 14:38h, 02 May

    Do you have a study guild for the ARM courses 400, 401 and 402

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 08:56h, 03 May

      Unfortunately, we do not yet have study materials for any of the ARM courses. We may develop some in the future, but it would be probably in 2023 at the earliest.

    • James Ramsay
      James Ramsay
      Posted at 19:21h, 18 May

      Sharon, in the time being, is a good alternative. It’s not as well put together like BDU, but it’ll do the trick to get through ARM.

  • Manish
    Posted at 07:08h, 13 November

    As per your comment and information CPCU 410 covers, CPCU 520, 530, and 540, do we need to complete CPCU 500 separately

    • Elizabeth White
      Elizabeth White
      Posted at 10:31h, 13 November

      You will only take CPCU 410 if you already have your ARM designation and you want to earn your CPCU designation. If you have already completed the three ARM courses (ARM 400, 401, & 402), you can take CPCU 410 to satisfy the core courses for the CPCU designation. CPCU 410 essentially replaces the need to take 500, 520, 530 and 540 ONLY if you have already completed ARM 400, 401, & 402.

      You can find out more information here: